You already know that cleanliness is next to godliness, but have you ever thought to apply that to your workshop? Organize and clean your shop to make it safer and more user-friendly.

Safety First

Check over your tools and shop appliances that could be a safety hazard if left unattended. These might include:

  • Changing the filter on your Donaldson compressed air filters and making sure that there are no kinks in its hose.
  • Double-checking the date on your fire extinguisher and replacing it if it’s expired. Similarly, replace the batteries on any smoke and/or carbon monoxide detectors you have in the room with you.
  • Are all blades, saws and other sharp items out of reach from curious hands? Be sure that anything that you have left out is not a danger to anyone else, and put away the items that are.

Declutter and Purge

Safe walkways and clear surfaces are the best way to stay safe in a workshop. Put away any tools or accessories that you have left out, and don’t forget about the floor. Is there are a clear walking path from one end of the room to another?

  • Unnecessary trash like wood scraps, packaging from containers and worn-out fan belts need to be thrown away. Go through with an industrial-sized garbage bag and start tossing your junk.
  • Are there any tools that you have that are doing nothing but taking up space? Throw out tools that are not in good condition, but think about selling the ones in better condition that someone else might use.
  • If you have no designated spot for certain items, now is the time to make them one. Use an old coffee can to store nails, or a few screws in the walls to hang equipment. 

In the daily shuffle of life it’s easy to lose track of just how messy or dirty your shop is becoming, but remember that a messy shop is an unsafe one. Get your workspace back in order by giving it a deep, thorough clean.