Obtaining a new aerator or fountain is the easy part. You can get aeration pumps for lakes by contacting a local company or over the Internet. It is more difficult to locate a firm that can professionally install the aerator or fountain, handle subsequent repairs, and take care of warranty work. For this, you need a professional and comprehensive company that specializes in complete installations, repairs, and maintenance and upkeep of the aerators.
Variety of Aerators An Important Consideration
Something you want in an aeration company is a significant inventory variety of aeration systems, aerators, and fountains. The firm also needs to take care of both delivery and installation. This will include finding a qualified local area electrician who can handle the necessary electrical specification requirements. The company also should offer repairs to the systems as necessary and handle occasional fountain and aeration maintenance. This will ensure that your warranty is protected.
Quarterly Maintenance Programs
Some maintenance needs to be handled on a quarterly basis. This includes adjusting and cleaning of jets and nozzles as well as light lenses, fountain floats, and pump intake screens. Time clocks and controls need to be adjusted. Anchor lines must be checked. Lamps may need to be replaced during these routinely scheduled visits. It may even be necessary to reset the position of the fountain or aerator system in the pond or lake.
Repair and Shutdown of Pond and Lake Fountains
Besides this, aerator companies need to be capable of handling repairs to fountains and shutdowns in the fall. It helps if the local company is an authorized factory repair site for aeration and fountain manufacturers. The firm’s technicians will have gone to training schools on a periodic basis in order to keep up with the most current technology.
Anyone who lives in a cold climate may experience regular winter ice. This can cause damage to the fountains. A good fountain and aeration company needs to provide winter take down and storage procedures for the fountain. This would include exterior surface pressure cleaning, warehouse storage through the winter, and carefully checking over the fountain before reinstalling and restarting it. This should be done on the date agreed upon by the company.
These are all the many reasons why qualified fountain and aeration companies should be selected. It requires more than simple sales and installation. Ongoing maintenance and warranty repairs will be required periodically.